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MWE Inc. Photo Gallery ... 

Glow Open House - Meet and Greet

Glow Open House - Meet and Greet

Glow Open House - Meet and Greet

Glow Open House - Meet and Greet

Glow Interest Meeting

Glow Interest Meeting

Glow Skate Event

Glow Skate Event

Our first event after the interest meeting to allow the girls an opportunity to get familiar with each other.

The Glow Team

The Glow Team

We are the committee!

Glowbition - Vision Boards

Glowbition - Vision Boards

The girls created their visions board and set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the year.

Glow up Event

Glow up Event

The girls learned how to embrace and love themselves as they are. They created affirmation mirrors to constantly affirm themselves.

The Glow up Event

The Glow up Event

Here's Mika's Affirmation Mirror. Isn't it beautiful just like her!

Community Service

Community Service

We partnered with Hunger Fight to support their mission to feed those with food insecurities.

Community Service

Community Service

After a rewarding day, we posed for a group pic. The girls also earned community service hours.

Community Service

Community Service

Here are the girls in action creating meal packets and boxing them up for delivery.

Glow PJ Christmas Party

Glow PJ Christmas Party

Our very lovely Christmas PJ Party. What joy to celebrate the holiday in Sisterhood!

Glow PJ Christmas Party

Glow PJ Christmas Party

Say cheese! The PJ's were too cute not to capture.

Glow Team

Glow Team

We could not impact the next generation without a dynamic team. You glow ladies!

A Self Love Workshop

A Self Love Workshop

Marla Albertie was our guest speaker, educating the girls on self love and self care.

A Self Love Workshop

A Self Love Workshop

One of our leaders, Monica Collins spoke on purity and learning no is a complete sentence.

Glowing in Action

Glowing in Action

The assignment was to encourage each other by highlighting our attributes and why we admire each other.

Teen Quarantine Virtual Meeting

Teen Quarantine Virtual Meeting

Covid had shut the city down but not our mission. We converted to Zoom to host Teen Quarantine to address the teens concerns, mental state, and offer solutions.

Glow - Paint Your Vision Board

Glow - Paint Your Vision Board

A fun and impactful event after the world reopened. The girls really needed this event for their social needs and sanity. We partnered with Boujee with a Paint Brush for a beautiful experience.

Glow - Paint Your Vision Board

Glow - Paint Your Vision Board

Courtney the owner of BWAPB assisting the girls with unleashing their creativity.

Glow Lets Work It Out

Glow Lets Work It Out

A workshop on healthy relationships, setting boundaries, and solving conflict.

Glow Bowling Event

Glow Bowling Event

We were not able to get a community service event scheduled. No worries, we came together safely to bowl. Some girls had never bowled and was extremely shy. By the end they were feeling like winners.

Glow Peer Pressure

Glow Peer Pressure

Our guest speaker Kelanie Boatwright discussed the 4 different types of peer pressure. Everyone was given a skit to performed that resulted in good and bad peer pressure. Too fun!!

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

We partnered with Beaches Go Green for supplies and had a successful day. Did you know cigarette buds are recycled to create park benches? Our total contribution equaled $1288.40

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

We partnered with Beaches Go Green for supplies and had a successful day. Did you know cigarette buds are recycled to create park benches? Our total contribution equaled $1288.40

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

Community Service - Beach Cleanup

We partnered with Beaches Go Green for supplies and had a successful day. Did you know cigarette buds are recycled to create park benches? Our total contribution equaled $1288.40

Feeding Northeast Florida

Feeding Northeast Florida

Partnering with Generation W to serve the community. This was a great opportunity to demonstrate to the teens how to serve.

Beauty Bootcamp

Beauty Bootcamp

Metamorphosis hosted a beauty bootcamp for the ladies residing in Hubbard House. Showing the ladies love was our pleasure.

Just Move

Just Move

Metamorphosis hosted a 4 week fitness challenge to get the ladies moving to take their health back! We hit the pavement, literally!

Just Move Fitness Challenge

Just Move Fitness Challenge

We were victorious! Nailed an hour of training! See those guns?

90 Day Makeover Challenge

90 Day Makeover Challenge

Katrina Harris (in the middle) won the makeover after completing the 90-day makeover challenge mind, body, and soul.

Zumba Fundraiser

Zumba Fundraiser

MWE hosted a Zumba fundraiser while focusing mental illness and mental health.

MWE Fantasy Football

MWE Fantasy Football

Our 1st annual Fantasy Football team. Loads of fun and this created an opportunity for women to learn more about football. See our draft board?

MWE Vision Board Project

MWE Vision Board Project

Write it down, make it plain so that those who read it can run with it...

Handing out bags for the PACE Grads!

Handing out bags for the PACE Grads!

Goal Busters

Goal Busters

Patricia enjoying our goal-setting workshop

Kristen & Monique

Kristen & Monique

At the volunteer event with Kristin Keen founder of Rethreaded.

Metamorphosis Beauty Team

Metamorphosis Beauty Team

These lovely ladies joined in the party to prepare beauty bags for Hubbard House

Ebonee, Shelly, & Shauna

Ebonee, Shelly, & Shauna

Prepping and preparing for the beauty bootcamp at Hubbard House

Shelly & Carol

Shelly & Carol

Metamorphosis first family and friends picnic! A wonderful event at Hanna Park

Pamper Me Pretty

Pamper Me Pretty

One of our beauty events to unwind and spend quality time renewing for a better US!

Monique (founder) and Daughers

Monique (founder) and Daughers

Metamorphosis raised almost 100 Hope Totes for the City Rescue Mission. It was a great day!

Kacee & Loutricia

Kacee & Loutricia

Say cheese ladies!

The director of PACE

The director of PACE

After handing out beauty bags, spent time telling Mr. Halie about Metamorphosis

Monique, Donna Orender, & LaDonna

Monique, Donna Orender, & LaDonna

After Gen W conferece 2013. These ladies rock. The conference set my heels on fire. I am GEN W!

Define Beauty~ All Women

Define Beauty~ All Women

CEO Woman Event

CEO Woman Event

Eva supporting her passion with Reclaim Global an organization against molestation

From nothing to something

From nothing to something

I wasn't always confident but I embraced change and became butterfly

Our family is also dedicated to supporting community efforts. Doing the most good

Empowering Moments

Empowering Moments

Our first event Posturing for Purpose

Hope Totes

Hope Totes

MWE delivered almost 100 hope totes to the City Rescue Mission

Goal Busters

Goal Busters

Guest speaker and I hosted the Goal Busters workshop to inspire a goal oriented life

The lovely Denean

The lovely Denean

Denean defeated drug addiction and created a life she can be proud of.

A pampering experience

A pampering experience

A refreshing newness is due to all women. A queen must relax, right?

Queen Alzadia

Queen Alzadia

Alzadia's makeover experience

A divine boot camp hosted at Hubbard House. The women came in skeptical but left beautified and feeling confident!

Beauty Bags for Pace

Beauty Bags for Pace

Many supporters donated items to create beauty bags for the graduates from Pace Center for Girls

The Heart Walk

The Heart Walk

We believe in supporting our community, participating in the Heart Walk

Create. Beauty. Inspire. Sisterhood. Confidence. Family.


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